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From SQL to Advanced AI: 4 Levels of Analytics using Azure Technologies

In the era of data, every industry, from healthcare to retail, can benefit from harnessing the power of data analytics. This journey through four levels of data analytics, which culminates in advanced AI practices, utilizes Microsoft Azure's suite of tools.

Level 1: Descriptive Analytics - Understanding What Has Happened

Level 1: Descriptive Analytics

Sample Input Data

​Website traffic data, historical sales records, customer demographics data.

Technologies used

Microsoft Azure tools include Azure Data Factory for data integration, Azure Data Lake Storage for data storage, Azure Databricks for big data processing, and Power BI for data visualization.

Output Metrics

Traffic counts, sales volumes, and demographic distributions.

How the data can be used

Understanding historical patterns and trends to inform business decisions.

Code Snippet:

# Load data from Azure Data Lake
df ='csv').option('header', 'true').load('adls://data-lake/data.csv')

# Aggregate data for analysis

Example 1:

A marketing department may want to analyze website traffic data to understand the most visited pages.

# Aggregate data for analysis

Example 2:

A sales department might analyze historical sales records to understand the most sold products.

# Aggregate data for analysis

Example 3:

A demographic analyst might analyze census data to understand population distribution by age.

# Aggregate data for analysis

Level 2: Diagnostic Analytics - Understanding Why It Happened

Level 2: Diagnostic Analytics

Sample Input Data

Sales records, customer feedback data, operational metrics.

Technologies Used

In addition to previous tools, Azure Analysis Services to create semantic data models, and Azure Synapse Analytics for big data and data warehouse solutions.

Output Metrics

Correlations between variables, significant factors affecting sales or operations.

How the data can be used

Identifying root causes and key influencers to improve performance.

Code Snippet:

-- Use SQL on Azure Synapse to find correlations
SELECT corr(column1, column2) as correlation
FROM my_table

Example 1:

A company might analyze sales and marketing data to understand the impact of marketing campaigns on sales.

-- Use SQL on Azure Synapse to find correlations
SELECT corr(campaign_expenditure, sales) as correlation
FROM sales_table

Example 2:

An HR department might analyze employee satisfaction survey data and performance metrics to identify key factors affecting employee performance.

-- Use SQL on Azure Synapse to find correlations
SELECT corr(satisfaction_score, performance_score) as correlation
FROM employee_table

Example 3:

A product manager might analyze user feedback and product usage data to understand the causes of product adoption or churn.

-- Use SQL on Azure Synapse to find correlations
SELECT corr(user_feedback, product_usage) as correlation
FROM product_table

Level 3: Predictive Analytics - Forecasting What Will Happen

Level 3: Predictive Analytics

Sample Input Data

Historical sales data, market trends data, customer behavior data.

Technologies Used

Azure ML, a cloud-based environment for training, deploying, and managing ML models.

Output Metrics

Predicted sales volumes, estimated customer churn rate, future market trends.

How the data can be used

Anticipating future events to make proactive decisions and strategies.

Code Snippet:

# Use Azure ML to train a predictive model
from azureml.core import Workspace, Experiment, Run
ws = Workspace.from_config()
exp = Experiment(workspace=ws, name='my_experiment')

run = exp.start_logging()
run.log('trial', 1)

# Train your model here


Example 1:

A financial analyst might use historical stock market data to predict future stock prices.

# Use Azure ML to train a predictive model
# Assuming 'model' is a trained ML model

predicted_price = model.predict(stock_data)

Example 2:

A sales manager might use past sales data and market trends to forecast future sales.

# Use Azure ML to train a predictive model
# Assuming 'model' is a trained ML model

predicted_sales = model.predict(sales_data)

Example 3:

A customer success manager might use customer usage patterns to predict churn.

# Use Azure ML to train a predictive model
# Assuming 'model' is a trained ML model

predicted_churn = model.predict(churn_data)

Level 4: Prescriptive Analytics and Advanced AI Practices - Advising on Possible Outcomes

Level 4: Prescriptive Analytics and AI

Sample Input Data

Customer interaction data, market trends data, real-time operations data.

Technologies Used

Azure's AI capabilities like Azure AI and Azure Bot Services for automated ML, chatbots, and cognitive services.

Output Metrics

Recommended actions, optimized processes, real-time adjustments.

How the data can be used

Automating decision-making, optimizing processes, improving customer experiences.

Code Snippet:

# Use Azure Bot Service to create a customer service bot
from azure.cognitiveservices.language.luis.authoring import LUISAuthoringClient
from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials

client = LUISAuthoringClient(endpoint, CognitiveServicesCredentials(authoring_key))

# Create your bot here

Example 1:

A company might use a chatbot to automatically respond to customer inquiries.

# Use Azure Bot Service to create a customer service bot
# Assuming 'bot' is a created Bot

response = bot.respond_to_inquiry(inquiry)

Example 2:

A manufacturing company might use AI to optimize production scheduling based on predicted demand.

# Use Azure AI to create a demand forecasting and optimization model
# Assuming 'model' is a trained AI model

optimized_schedule = model.optimize(production_data)

Example 3:

A retailer might use AI to recommend products to customers based on their shopping history.

# Use Azure AI to create a recommendation model
# Assuming 'model' is a trained AI model

recommendations = model.recommend(customer_data)

Across industries, these four levels of data analytics provide valuable insights. Starting with understanding past events, diagnosing their causes, predicting future outcomes, and finally using AI to advise on optimal actions, data analytics is a game-changer. While the time investment and skills needed increase with each level, the potential benefits and returns on investment are significant.


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